Some comments and links to blogs - Pearl turns over posting to Hypatia
1) I'm sure you remember the old canard about the guy who wonders whether a girl would accept a hypothetical one million dollars for a roll in the hay to which she agrees that if he had a million, she would, so then he offers her a hundred, which she rejects indignantly asking, "What do you take me for?" Then he replies, "We've already established that, so we're just haggling about your price now." It seems your friend has avoided walking in those some shoes. 8-) - on
2) Tests? Hmm... Can you take this test without smiling with all four lips?
Before their ghost was well laid by Lenny Bruce, seven common Anglo-Saxon terms of enormously graphic descriptive powers were widely condemned as whores of expression, which most good citizens used heavily when they needed to get their meanings off in intimate private intercourse yet those same upright citizens hypocritically refused to acknowledge the very existence of these seven salacious words in public places such as the sacred halls of prime-time television. I'm sure many forum regulars can recite that dishonor roll from memory, while the rest of the English speakers present, even the non-native ones, would effortlessly be awarded a big red A for their ability to pass a test on the meanings and common usages of the entire magnificent seven. Thus, we all know very well that the rather innocuous word "orgasm" appears nowhere on that list of infamy. In fact, now-a-days nobody blinks an eye when celebrities appear on evening t.v. shows to describe the frequency and intensity of, difficulties with, or foreplay techniques to evoke and enhance those very personal precious moments of consummate elation. -to
NOW OVER TO YOU, Hypatia, Honey!
1) Wishing wisely is woefully difficult. Whether the wish is granted or no, unintended or even contrary consequences inevitably arise. The immediate gratification of suddenly being blessed by a 12-inch organ might be followed by discoveries of harmonic disorder staying in tune while playing duets, so to speak. A sudden million in your bank would wave red flags at the IRS leading to embarrassing questions at least and so on. :-\ - on
2) Hypatia Theon said... Ah, what a treat to find a fan of Our Muses and so fitting that you began with Clio of historical inspiration.
May "The One" bless all your endeavors. -on
3) At 1:40 PM, Hypatia Theon said... You say, "I suggest reading the first two posts from 1.4.05 (A Return to Common Sense) and 1.5.05 (What is Common Sense?)in that order before getting too far into the more recent posts."
I'd be very interested in reading those - particularly with an eye towards discovery of common interests such that I would link my blog to yours; however, neither of those dates appear in your archive list, so would you be a dear and e-mail either the posts or their links to me?
Thanks, Hypatia Theon -to
4) This is the VERY BEST I've seen yet. It has left me (temporarily) SPEECHLESS! - to =-O :-* 8-)
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