Let's use PG LOVE role play only to protect kids from cyber abuse.

It began with our family's shock at a NWN game site's rules encouraging covert cybering. After we tried to dicuss this on AmiaWorld forum, DMs not only banned our players but vindictively punished our son, a completely innocent bystander, causing him great mental pain and confusion. Since we can't go there any more, won't YOU please help us make Amia safe for children to play in? (Philosophical discussion is also linked.)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Didn't mean to get carried away there...

Whew! That's exactly the sort of thing that makes them think we're crazy, but actually we were just testing out our new photo-posting tool... Hee, heh. . . .

There now.

Well, time to get down to Pearl's love life, so let's get on to part one, ne?

But first a word from our sponsor ....


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