Should a site where kids RPG encourage cyber? I say, "No!"
This is my fundamental point, missed ever time by web mistress minimum woman and her lover the frey guy of bare tech. (Oh, my goodness, did Ai miss spell? Just making an interesting blog 'cuz diplomacy has failed miserably.) They keep raising red herrings like how many people may or may not be posting from our house, whether or not private messages containing cute little images like this or this
are obscene violations of their terms of service, whether lampoons violate internet law such that any ISP worth its salt should ban their authors on sight, and whether anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian viewpoint must automatically be another Sadman Insane or perhaps Osamu bin Farkin' around with them ?
What a sorry world many Ameriacns seem to live in compared with we wiser global citizens! This link is many words to the wise. For a couple of examples, note how cheerfully Ai's bard SweetSong kicks off the topic and the immediate agressive response by a Dungeon Master pretending to be an American girl named Rain. Hmm... The contrast between American's (lack of) wisdom and that from other nations continues at length with the topic being hijacked to censorship, and finally a member from Guam quotes (my complaint) and comments,
"'Also, that's a TERRIBLE policy to allow cybering by tells*. I watched over my 13-(at the time now 14)-year-old son's shoulder in some surprise as a member, who still posts frequently on these forums, so I'll not mention names, sent what I'm sure was a mis-tell, "Hello, [censored]!" I'm sure you can guess what was not *ed out, but I usually prefer the softer Elizabethan term, "Cunny" for that part of my anatomy... So... Just wanted to call the kettle [censored]! *Precisely because of the numerous mis-tells. I get them every day.'
yeah i remember that but that Jerk! called everybody that he sent that tell to every player at that time"
Q.E.D. That would mean that every kid playing in Amia at that time received a tell saying, "Hello. C**T!"
Guess that's enough for one post, but there remain a couple of more points to make about American pig headedness, before we get back to our main feature.
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