Let's use PG LOVE role play only to protect kids from cyber abuse.

It began with our family's shock at a NWN game site's rules encouraging covert cybering. After we tried to dicuss this on AmiaWorld forum, DMs not only banned our players but vindictively punished our son, a completely innocent bystander, causing him great mental pain and confusion. Since we can't go there any more, won't YOU please help us make Amia safe for children to play in? (Philosophical discussion is also linked.)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Re: Contact from meryl.net - Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, want a grant?

Meryl K. Evans wrote:

I am totally lost as to what all of this is about and I looked at the blog entry...

hypatia_theon@fastmail.fm wrote:
Hypatia Theon has contacted you via meryl.net.

Name: Hypatia Theon
Email: hypatia_theon@fastmail.fm
Organization: BOX TOO SMALL
Comments: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/sweet/song/hypatia_theon_background_and_cordor.htm
Hmm.... Sorry, URL doesn't seem to fit in the box... Also posted this on an obsolete blog page at first try. Sorry, again, quite new to this blogging stuff, as I'm sure you'll quickly see.

Anyway, to finish what was started..

Another creative attempt to solve this conundrum in international internet diplomacy ;)
Well, Meryl, to put it in a nut shell: My passionate samurai wife and my somewhat more philosophical self have severe doubts about what's going on at AmiaWorld.net; (The Web address of the game is
So, having been IP banned for daring to raise the topic of whether encouraging cyber between players by secret tells on a web site where young kids frequently play the game and post to the forum (http://www.amiaworld.net/) was wise or should better be replaced by more open PG sex of the sort families watch together on T.V. or in movies like, e.g., Charlie's Angles Full Throttle, or other acceptable family entertainment, and then vilified and stigmatized in absentia as some crazy loon with no notes in his tune, I've been trying by various e-mails and now with this blog to bring the problem to the attention of folks there in Plano who are in a position to apply the right pressures to fix things ... if indeed they are broken. This is primarily a moral problem rather than strictly a legal one, so the more light shed on the situation, the better, nicht wahr?

Care to apply for one of those grants, Meryl (Was pretty sure yours was a girl's name, but one never can be sure about sex on the internet, ne?) seems like you'd be overqualified, yet perhaps curious?

By the way, if you're not a gamer, better get a kid to help you with the action bits. LOL.

Most respectfully yours, Hypatia Theon


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