Pearl Dragon and more LUST - an abbreviated and annotated chat log
Pearl Dragon and more LUST - an abbreviated and annotated chat log
(Pearl Dragon, as a female rogue in Amia, has various skills in sneaking silently, hiding, spotting enemies, picking locks, and, her specialty, traps. That's why this scene opens with her repeating the following routine many, many times until the supply of crystals she sold all her loot for is turned into a knapsack full of strong electrical traps, the most deadly kind she can make.)
Pearl Dragon: Craft Skills Menu ->
If you are watching Pearl Dragon on your monitor while she runs through this sequence, you see her squat pertly down and try to make the trap, usually failing against that high DC, sometimes losing her crystals, standing up with a cute little curtsy, and then quickly squatting to do it all over for another roll with only her high crafting skill and specialization give her a slight chance of success, so it's hard work...
(Repeats resolutely over and over with sheer bloody-minded determination until...)
Pearl Dragon: *Done* What would I like to do? *Rests*
(After resting to assure all her magic items are fully charged, Pearl Dragon seeks some quick loot and a chance to test her newly upgraded melee weapons.)
Tert Kelter: Yar there! You look like yer lookin' for some work....
Pearl Dragon: I sure am!
Tert Kelter: Well, it's kinda embarrassing, ship be infested with rats! I can't leave port until they're all cleared. Can ye clean 'em out for me?
Pearl Dragon: What does this job pay?
Tert Kelter: Pay? Err mm...look, I never said it was a paying job, but if ye want to ya can put it on yer resume'. Har! Har! Har!! Nah, jus' kiddin' ya lass, I'll give ye 5 gold a rat skull that ye brings me.
Pearl Dragon: *Groan* Very well...
Hatch: You see small shadows darting around below.
Pearl Dragon: *Climbs down* Darn.. What a waste..
(Unfortunately, the rats appear to have all been slain already by some previous scavenger.)
Ladder: The hatch above you is open.
Pearl Dragon: *Climbs up*
(A much larger hunting ground is the Cordor City Sewers. First one must obtain a rope, then climb down into what resembles not so much a medieval undercity as what one might expect to find under an early industrial age capital with large pipes, foot bridges, and even huge grating-cowled ventilation fans. This is a prime area to party up with other looters and vermin killers for extra security, or in Pearl Dragon's case to find a cute guy for tonight's recreation ... totally PG lovin' of course.)
Sewer Drainage: Sliding the grate open you find yourself facing a drop from an unknown height.
Pearl Dragon: *Uses her hemp rope to descend quickly into the hole*
(Right away spotting another huntress, she suggests joining forces, usually the best plan all around to maximize loot and experience gained while minimizing damage and time and gold wasted on healing.)
Pearl Dragon: Hi. Hunting? Join?
Sandra: *Seems agreeable*
Pearl Dragon: Good..
Sandra: Sure, could always use a hand.
Pearl Dragon: I'm Pearl.
Sandra: Sandra.
Pearl Dragon: Usually I use traps, Sandra..
Sandra: *Nods*
Sandra: Ok, I'll get us some more help.
(Sandra summons her familiar as Peal Dragon flourishes her glowing rapier and enhanced mace.)
Pearl Dragon: Not too strong with these. That's a good idea. You've got nice magic...
Sandra: Hey there, Snaity ** Laugh **
Pearl Dragon: Snaily? Nice to meet you..
Sandra: Sanity.
Pearl Dragon: Can Sanity talk, too?
Sandra: In his own way he can to me.
Pearl Dragon: Looks like a very clever bird..
Sandra: Sanity is a good friend.
Pearl Dragon: Surely he can .. uh, he or she? Hard to tell with birds. Unless you're another bird, I guess.
Sandra: He.
Pearl Dragon: Anyway, what you hunting now, Sandy?
Sandra: *Smiles* just exploring really.
(Someone else shows up accompanied by a large wolf, but the sex of the being smothered in thick bark is hard to discern.)
Pearl Dragon: Hello. Lot's of animals in the sewers today...
Delith Di'manodel: *Nods* Aye. *smiles*
Pearl Dragon: Guess they can handle the smell better than me... ** Laughs**
Sandra: *Laughs*
Pearl Dragon: Don't usually come here..
Sanity: Yes, mistress... what do you require of me?
Pearl Dragon: But my boyfriend had to go away .. and...
Sandra: You are welcome, Sanity.
Delith Di'manodel: Your.. Boyfriend?.
Pearl Dragon: I need just a little bit more training.. Yes, his name is Llewyn.. Do you know him? He often hangs out in the Nomad..
Delith Di'manodel: *Shakes head* I'm new in town..
Pearl Dragon: He's making up some songs now about our romantic times together.
Sandra: How sweet.
Pearl Dragon: Maybe you'll hear him sing them some day..
Pearl Dragon: Yes... He is VERY sweet.
Delith Di'manodel: ...
Pearl Dragon: But .. tonight? But now.. I must hunt.
Sandra: ..hour 21 ((is like 9 pm))
Pearl Dragon: Will you join us?
Delith Di'manodel: Aye. *smiles*
Pearl Dragon: Thanks. Now our success is SURE! By the way, my name is Pearl - Pearl Dragon.
Delith Di'manodel: Pearl?.. Dragon?
Delith Di'manodel: Strange name... Still.. Nice *smiles*
Delith Di'manodel: I'm Delith..
Pearl Dragon: Yes.. My family name means Dragon, Delith.
Sandra: I am Sandra, and this my friend, Sanity.
Delith Di'manodel: *Smiles*
Pearl Dragon: Delith, perhaps you have more experience. You seem to have strong skin..
Delith Di'manodel: *Smiles with pleasure* Oh this... It is a spell. *smiles*
Pearl Dragon: Looks like tree bark..
Sandra: ..on your skin
Delith Di'manodel: *Nods* I use nature's magic.
Pearl Dragon: ...and a very BIG wolf..
Delith Di'manodel: I'm a druid..
Pearl Dragon: Druid?
Delith Di'manodel: Aye.. I found him in the wilderness *smiles* & *nods*
Pearl Dragon: Perhaps you should lead us to the forest? Better smell than this nasty sewer?
Delith Di'manodel: Not anything to hunt in the forest... Only peaceful animals..
Pearl Dragon: You know the sewers, Delith? This is my first time here..
Delith Di'manodel: I'm not so very good at those sewers, but I might try to get around. *smiles*
Pearl Dragon: --*****Notices bark is gone, and Delith is a girl*** Oh, you're a GIRL! Couldn't tell with the bark.
Delith Di'manodel: *Smiles wide* Indeed i am.
(As the ladies are chatting, the familiars take care of various vermin and sewer denizens.)
Pearl Dragon: Nice wolf. Keeps good watch for you.
Delith Di'manodel: Doesn't Delith sound female? *smiles*
Pearl Dragon: Look. *Points out the newcomer behind Delith*
Delith Di'manodel: Hm?.. ** Greets**
Kayriena Dragonwing: Hello.
Pearl Dragon: Another huntress? You seem dressed for town, though?
Kayriena Dragonwing: Oh, where are my manners?
Pearl Dragon: Do you need a hunting outfit?
Kayriena Dragonwing: I am Kayriena.
Pearl Dragon: Hi, Kayriena..
Delith Di'manodel: I'm. Delith. *smiles*
Kayriena Dragonwing: No. I cannot wear armor... stuff is too heavy for me.
Pearl Dragon: I'm Pearl. Nice to meet you. Hmm.. *Checks pack for extra clothes, but finds she sold them all to make traps*
Delith Di'manodel: *Nods* Alright.
Kayriena Dragonwing: Are you two going through these sewers?
Delith Di'manodel: *Grins* More people.
(Pearl Dragon perks up here because at l-o-n-g last a couple of guys have appeared, too.)
Pearl Dragon: Yes. want to come with us?
Kayriena Dragonwing: I would be delighted
Pearl Dragon: Wonderful.. But I don't know the way at all.
Jo Lust: *Shrugs*
Pearl Dragon: Can you lead us, Del?
Delith Di'manodel: Follow me alright? *smiles*
Pearl Dragon: Sure.
Kayriena Dragonwing: Del is it? I think this is yours?
Delith Di'manodel: Mm?..
Kayriena Dragonwing: It was on the body the wolf killed.
Delith Di'manodel: Oh.. Thank you, Miss. *smiles* Aye.. I think so, too.
Kayriena Dragonwing: My pleasure.
Pearl Dragon: Yes, he's a very good watch wolf, isn't he?
Delith Di'manodel: Indeed.
Morder Lust: Hello.
Pearl Dragon: We can chat in peace while he kills the vermin for us.. Now that's service..
Delith Di'manodel: *Looks at the man* Undead master...
Morder Lust: ...
Delith Di'manodel: *Nods to him*
Pearl Dragon: *Amazed*
Kayriena Dragonwing: Undead master....?
Pearl Dragon: *Thinks, "What a HUNK!"*
Morder Lust: Bah, i can summon one undead zombie...and then i am undead master?
Pearl Dragon: Nice sword, Sir.
Morder Lust: Why, thank you.
(Pearl Dragon, having spotted her prey, wastes no time in getting down to some serious flirting.)
Pearl Dragon: I'm sure your THRUST is very VIGOROUS..
Kayriena Dragonwing: *Startled*
Pearl Dragon: You seem the strong and silent type..? ** Laughs**
Morder Lust: Ha ha. Well, at least i am strong.
Delith Di'manodel: Hrmpf..
Pearl Dragon: Good! I LOVE strong men..
Morder Lust: ...
Morder Lust: So...can i join you?
Pearl Dragon: Going our way, Sir?
Delith Di'manodel: *Sighs*
Morder Lust: ..
Pearl Dragon: Of course..
Morder Lust: I won't summon the zombie if it matters that much...
Delith Di'manodel: *Mutters* Shall we move on then?.. Before more people come. *smiles*
Kayriena Dragonwing: *Laughs*
Pearl Dragon: Now we are quite strong.. Stop muttering, Delith. He's cute and strong, too, so what my boyfriend doesn't know...
Morder Lust: *Grins* ,
Pearl Dragon: Anyway, let's get on with it..
Delith Di'manodel: Alright.. Just keep that.. Undead.. Away from me..
Kayriena Dragonwing: If more people come, I could always eat them *says with a childish smile*
Morder Lust: Sure sure...
Pearl Dragon: Hmm..
Delith Di'manodel: Alright. Follow me..
Morder Lust: Let's go then.
(Pearl Dragon having picked up Morder Lust and blatantly signaled her romantic interest to him seems a good place to break... I'll serialize their love affair in several parts on our blog, adding each one here as we go along, so in the end the whole annotated tale will be available in one piece, which I'll also then link to the original unaltered chat logs, so that any interested researchers can confirm exactly how everything was done completely PG right down to the last OOC information and private player-to-player tell.)
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