Let's use PG LOVE role play only to protect kids from cyber abuse.

It began with our family's shock at a NWN game site's rules encouraging covert cybering. After we tried to dicuss this on AmiaWorld forum, DMs not only banned our players but vindictively punished our son, a completely innocent bystander, causing him great mental pain and confusion. Since we can't go there any more, won't YOU please help us make Amia safe for children to play in? (Philosophical discussion is also linked.)

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Let's find more grantees for our Investigate Amia Community Service Award Program :)

Subject:Amia            From:James E. King, III            To:Our family's root ISP e-mail address
I would respectfully request that you, your son, and/or your entire family please stop harassing the people on the Amia forums.  You are not wanted here any more, and your attempts to involve others just to cause trouble are doing no good other than wasting my valuable time.  If you do not stop I will contact your internet service provider and give them all the proof I have accumulated over the past week or two that you are using your account in violation of the terms and conditions of it, and you will lose all your internet access.
Thank you.
Dear James E. King, III,

    In this very public reply to your e-mail addressed to our family's real root ISP e-mail address, proving you obviously know precisely how to contact our ISP ... if you ever care to really do so, unlikely since the "proof" of "violation of the terms and conditions" exists in your imagination only ... please allow me to point out that three days after you made your empty threats our internet access is working just fine, thanks. Oh, all except for one minuscule portion of the internet, that is. It seems some deluded individual, perhaps Frey Petermeier, probably misinformed on the true facts of the case, has IP banned every computer in this house from AmiaWorld.net and its game site. Furthermore, it is true in some narrow legalistic sense that you as owner of the computer hosting Amia have a "right" to ban whomever you please for any reason you please (or as in this case, for no reason at all but a whim of vengeful retribution against people with different opinions on how to protect and educate children - by viciously and with malice aforethought first vault wiping the character's lovingly created and nurtured by then booting the player representing their beloved son, who was completely oblivious of our arguments and in violation of none of Amia's laws, rules or codes of conduct. All this without any warning, with no explanation, and of course  no chance to appeal your arbitrary decision.) Thus any attempt to bring pressure on you to change a bad policy regarding porno links and cyber tells on a web site forum and in a game frequented by children, must perforce rely on just the sort of lampoon you deem the work of a loon. So far that strategy has succeeded in forcing you to remove your much beloved "team-america" porno link, about which you may recall rejecting a $250.00 "bribe" requesting you to prune that offensive link (Brilliant satire though I found it to be, it was unsuitable for a family site.) then finding that in the increased illumination of my satiric searchlight it melted away like magic.

    Sorry that your valuable time is being wasted, James, honey; however, please consider our many attempts to negotiate, to apologize, to make peace offers, and so on. In fact, let's try again right here and now. James, it's quite obvious that both sides of this dispute have strong opinions, have at least at times tendencies to be hard headed and not listen well to others, have made mistakes, and could certainly use a big hug of forgiveness. Don't you even want to consider working out a compromise that satisfies the real needs of both sides? I'm more then willing (My wife is a bit less submissive in nature, but can be encouraged to compromise, too, I'm sure.) to get down on my hands and knees and kiss everyone's feet in humble apology (A cultural technique learned during a few years I spent as a sadu in India.) even those smelly boots Feonir is wearing if we can find him the way he's always fading off into the shadows and all. Phew! Don't Canadians ever change their socks all winter long, and here it's nearly summer? Perhaps you should have listened more closely to Feonir and one or two others before choosing such a limited set of tactics as totalitarian white-hats-angainst-the-black-hats jingoism affords.

LOVE, me or else, but you'll never leave me until Ai leaves you, which won't happen without guarantees of more openness to discussions about handling sex in a family approved way in Amia.

P.s. In the interest of speeding thing up, we've decided to seed out Satsuki's rejected gift (Guess you must have forgotten the old adage about, "Hell hath no fury..."?) as grants to any journalists or public officials who'd like the tools to investigate Amia on line. We'll try to find a few more potential grantees' e-mail addies to add to the list now. Dallas Morning News? Get to it or get scooped by someone like Meryl K. Evans and have that embarrassment blogged all over the internet, too. LOL Hope all you police weren't put off by my Deputy Dawg, lampoon? Sorry, that's not meant to stereotype those of you sincerely into community service.


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