Buried among comments and overlooked links...
Pearl_Dragon said...to Alice in Wonderland:
About your point:
One lesson: never to play a new CD in parent’s car. We live we learn.
That is however one of the reasons why this CD sticks in my mind and why I will purchase the acoustic version next week. That and well, (listening to the original version right now, as of course I did purchase the CD again, sometime later maybe at a more appropriate age of say sixteen or something, and still have it on my media player), as I listen to it I sometime wish that I could actually care about someone enough so that I would feel some of that angst and agony when they left. I mean I am not saying that it would feel good but I imagine the passion/love that would come before would have to be significant, to provoke the writing of such songs
Well, as I parent I see this issue now from both sides, the artist's desire for expression free of censorship and the parents need to protect our kids, perhaps you may feel overprotect is more like it?
Anyway, thanks for your kind comment on my blog, but you probably missed my rap on naughty words buried deep somewhere among the links:
Probably now it's as good a time as any to bring up the question of what a girl should say to describe having a good time.
Pearl may get lucky soon with a guy she's been flirting with for awhile. O.k. let's not beat around her bush, she's likely to get laid by a cute guy she's been assaulting with a full-on seduction campaign of near epic proportions damned near equivalent to the preparations that went into D-Day. LOL (Why is Amia just the opposite of real life, in that here it's the guys who are so coy?)
Anyway, since Pearl appears to have ball-bearing heels, there's a "flaw" built into her character to guarantee that any "action" always has to take place off stage only later to be cutely referred to by sharing reminiscences about those ecstatic feeling or by nostalgically repeating together those sweet nothings that were uttered during the moment of truth and so on, which brings us to my point, uh, .... directly after just one more small but important diversion.
Before their ghost was well laid by Lenny Bruce, seven common Anglo-Saxon terms of enormously graphic descriptive powers were widely condemned as whores of expression, which most good citizens used heavily when they needed to get their meanings off in intimate private intercourse yet those same upright citizens hypocritically refused to acknowledge the very existence of these seven salacious words in public places such as the sacred halls of prime-time television. I'm sure many forum regulars can recite that dishonor roll from memory, while the rest of the English speakers present, even the non-native ones, would effortlessly be awarded a big red A for their ability to pass a test on the meanings and common usages of the entire magnificent seven. Thus, we all know very well that the rather innocuous word "orgasm" appears nowhere on that list of infamy. In fact, now-a-days nobody blinks an eye when celebrities appear on evening t.v. shows to describe the frequency and intensity of, difficulties with, or foreplay techniques to evoke and enhance those very personal precious moments of consummate elation.
As a role-play necessity, Pearl must refer to those unfurling waves of quivering pleasure when she shudders in frenzy over the top of love's mountain to shiver down the other side into a pool of melted delight every time she explains to lovers eager to share favors with her that the only suitable place must be behind a long series of locked, barred and very well-padded doors at the bottom of a deep dungeon or behind stone walls that would make China's own 10,000-li barrier seem paper thin. That's because when you ring her bell, it's not quantifiable in the decibels usually used for sizing up noises but measured along the scales reserved for natural disasters like earthquakes or erupting volcanoes. In other words, Pearl has to tell her lovers that she'll not go quietly into that stark delight, but it's gonna sound like, uh, remember when a huge interstellar object plunged down, wiping out 90% of Earth's life forms and splashing millions of tones of liquefied rock so far into orbit that we can all easily see spots where some of it pockmarked our dear sister moon? Well, Pearl's really intense orgasms are a bit noisier than that.
So, uh, is it o.k. for her to warn suitors in plain English about her noisy orgasms, or should she employ elegant euphemisms, Kanto, sir? If you go with circumlocutions, what are some of your favorites for telling us about Navira's rapturous paroxysms in her frenzied throes of exhilaration when sharing an epiphany of ecstasy with her fickle fey lover of the moment?
LOVE, Pearl Dragon
Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!
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