Let's use PG LOVE role play only to protect kids from cyber abuse.

It began with our family's shock at a NWN game site's rules encouraging covert cybering. After we tried to dicuss this on AmiaWorld forum, DMs not only banned our players but vindictively punished our son, a completely innocent bystander, causing him great mental pain and confusion. Since we can't go there any more, won't YOU please help us make Amia safe for children to play in? (Philosophical discussion is also linked.)

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Just a few links for you tonight.

It's officially May's Birthday  in 15 minutes,
so who want's to see her new computer on line?

Don't all comment or e-mail us at once LMAO. Skull laugh

Here's today's hard luck story.

Sign up for Webby's Humor Letter here

Now here's a TRULY fine piece of wit & wisdom!

Hypatia Theon's first post to PhilosophyForums.

Her Biographical Information.

Her Homepage.

Hope you all will LOVE Hypatia Theon as much as we do.

Our philosophy behind all the SHOUTING

If you have any interest in philosophy, or even martial arts tactics for that matter, you should take a look at this discussion. :D

Who knows, you might even want to join in. :P

For others, here's an interesting image that has absolutely nothing to do with anything else in this blog... so far. ;)

Danish Dynamite's Flying Rhino

Cute, or what? ;(

Friday, May 27, 2005

What a wuss! My hubby only got ankle deep, here. He got much deeper into me later at home. Oohhh!

The water was cool today, but our passions got heated up later... I swam all the way to the point over there and back. Nice swim! :)

Off to the beach for a swim...

We're just out the door to 弁天白浜 (Pronounced Ben Ten Shira Hama) One Goddess's White Beach for a swim, so I'll take a couple of photo's, and if anyone wants to see that, just comment or e-mail me and ask for me to post one here. Meanwhile, prospects of recruiting new philosophical heroines and maybe even a hero, too, are looking up over here in the Community/Off Topic Forum, too, so...See you later?

That's Brain about to take off and Ai will fly next about 1,000 meter descent to LZ in desert as we recall. (This is the photo we used to introduce ourselves on AmiaWorld.net Forum.)

Would you look at this!

Got a SERIOUS discussion going on now ... hop right in if you dare.

WARNING ... idiots are summarily banned from philosophy forums even from the pseudo-philosophy threads. . . so better not try unless you can make a cohorent argument for your position ... if you have a position that is. LOL.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Aren't Japanes girls CUTE! I mean aesthetically speaking LOL (Can't say these two have much clothes sense ;) )
Let's spice this up with a few photos!

The drawing pad May's getting is like this but BIGGER . . . for art pros.
Let's spice this up with a few photos!

Already brought this home, so May can start using it on her birthday. It'll be the fastest and best one in our house.
Let's spice this up with a few photos!

Meanwhile, on other forums...

One of my alter egos, Hypatia Theon, a re-incarnation of the semi-mythical, semi-historical, and very beautiful :nod: (See a painting of her here. Warning BIG file.) philosopher has run into thorny moral issues which you can read about in detail here. :eek:

Now, is it ethical for me, as a member of philosophy forums, to offer a grant as described here  to other members willing to become philosophical investigators, or should I limit any requests for aid to members who are already NWN gamers, and thus would require no sponsorship from ~E's wife, which some interested parties might label a bribe? :nono:

P.s. If all this seems to down to Earth for this forum, please move it to Pseudophilosophy, a forum ~E has some familiarity with already, nicht wahr? :cool:

Always a controversial (Pseudo)philosospher, here are a couple of ~E's posts on PhilosophyForums.com Could Jesus Have Been a Woman? Self-Observational Active Replication

Re: Let's find more grantees for our Investigate Amia Community Service Award Program :)

Aw, shucks. Thank you. When life calms down -- 
I do hope to pursue volunteer work (more of it), games, 
and more book reading. So games is up there! 
... [ No home addresses posted to blog. ]...
(mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web.com/.) 
Ok, Honey, Got ya!  Well, by running around like a mink in heat 
and flirting via comments to other blogs, now the site meter is 
up to 25, guess when it hits 100 or so, Pearl can continue 
her melodramatic seduction of DM in drag More LUST, 
what a sex-exhibit-ish-sin-ist LOL, but we all have our little 
character flaws, ne?  So now it appears 
there are ulterior motives to continue our blog war rather than 
allow Hypatia Theon to succeed in her peace embassy, not that she 
has major chances with a megalomaniac like Mr. KING, a.k.a., 
those names say it all, not much need of satire there.  Obviously 
getting any concessions from such absolutist jingoistic nerds is 
right out the window, so what is our end game plan, in other words, 
when can we declare victory in this war? Here are three satisfactory 
resolutions without any concessions from their side:  
1)  Award four or five more community service grants, establishing 
a bevy of guardian angles to watch over Amia. 
2)  Personally revisit the forums and Entryway to make sure 
everything is o.k. 
3)  Sadly, Amia is destroyed, so we await Hinotori 
(Japanese for Fire Bird or Phoenix) to arise from its ashes and 
begin all over again.  What say you to this? Feel free to comment.  
LOVE, multiple personalities and the whole family here there and 

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Let's find more grantees for our Investigate Amia Community Service Award Program :)

Subject:Amia            From:James E. King, III            To:Our family's root ISP e-mail address
I would respectfully request that you, your son, and/or your entire family please stop harassing the people on the Amia forums.  You are not wanted here any more, and your attempts to involve others just to cause trouble are doing no good other than wasting my valuable time.  If you do not stop I will contact your internet service provider and give them all the proof I have accumulated over the past week or two that you are using your account in violation of the terms and conditions of it, and you will lose all your internet access.
Thank you.
Dear James E. King, III,

    In this very public reply to your e-mail addressed to our family's real root ISP e-mail address, proving you obviously know precisely how to contact our ISP ... if you ever care to really do so, unlikely since the "proof" of "violation of the terms and conditions" exists in your imagination only ... please allow me to point out that three days after you made your empty threats our internet access is working just fine, thanks. Oh, all except for one minuscule portion of the internet, that is. It seems some deluded individual, perhaps Frey Petermeier, probably misinformed on the true facts of the case, has IP banned every computer in this house from AmiaWorld.net and its game site. Furthermore, it is true in some narrow legalistic sense that you as owner of the computer hosting Amia have a "right" to ban whomever you please for any reason you please (or as in this case, for no reason at all but a whim of vengeful retribution against people with different opinions on how to protect and educate children - by viciously and with malice aforethought first vault wiping the character's lovingly created and nurtured by then booting the player representing their beloved son, who was completely oblivious of our arguments and in violation of none of Amia's laws, rules or codes of conduct. All this without any warning, with no explanation, and of course  no chance to appeal your arbitrary decision.) Thus any attempt to bring pressure on you to change a bad policy regarding porno links and cyber tells on a web site forum and in a game frequented by children, must perforce rely on just the sort of lampoon you deem the work of a loon. So far that strategy has succeeded in forcing you to remove your much beloved "team-america" porno link, about which you may recall rejecting a $250.00 "bribe" requesting you to prune that offensive link (Brilliant satire though I found it to be, it was unsuitable for a family site.) then finding that in the increased illumination of my satiric searchlight it melted away like magic.

    Sorry that your valuable time is being wasted, James, honey; however, please consider our many attempts to negotiate, to apologize, to make peace offers, and so on. In fact, let's try again right here and now. James, it's quite obvious that both sides of this dispute have strong opinions, have at least at times tendencies to be hard headed and not listen well to others, have made mistakes, and could certainly use a big hug of forgiveness. Don't you even want to consider working out a compromise that satisfies the real needs of both sides? I'm more then willing (My wife is a bit less submissive in nature, but can be encouraged to compromise, too, I'm sure.) to get down on my hands and knees and kiss everyone's feet in humble apology (A cultural technique learned during a few years I spent as a sadu in India.) even those smelly boots Feonir is wearing if we can find him the way he's always fading off into the shadows and all. Phew! Don't Canadians ever change their socks all winter long, and here it's nearly summer? Perhaps you should have listened more closely to Feonir and one or two others before choosing such a limited set of tactics as totalitarian white-hats-angainst-the-black-hats jingoism affords.

LOVE, me or else, but you'll never leave me until Ai leaves you, which won't happen without guarantees of more openness to discussions about handling sex in a family approved way in Amia.

P.s. In the interest of speeding thing up, we've decided to seed out Satsuki's rejected gift (Guess you must have forgotten the old adage about, "Hell hath no fury..."?) as grants to any journalists or public officials who'd like the tools to investigate Amia on line. We'll try to find a few more potential grantees' e-mail addies to add to the list now. Dallas Morning News? Get to it or get scooped by someone like Meryl K. Evans and have that embarrassment blogged all over the internet, too. LOL Hope all you police weren't put off by my Deputy Dawg, lampoon? Sorry, that's not meant to stereotype those of you sincerely into community service.

Re: Contact from meryl.net - Thanks for getting back to me so quickly,want a grant?

On 5/24/2005 11:24:37 PM, meryl@meryl.net wrote:
> Will respond later -- but wanted to quickly let you know I am a girl, so  you were right. :)
> Original Message:  
> -----------------  
> From: Hypatia Theon hypatia_theon@fastmail.fm   Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 20:51:38 +0900
> To: meryl@meryl.net  
> Subject: Re: Contact from meryl.net - Thanks for getting back to me so  quickly,want a grant?
Well, that's what everyone says, isn't it? Check out this story's moral, for example.
Anyway, Meryl, honey, just send me your shipping address (That won't be posted on line, promise.)
Tell us that you'll look into this, maybe have your little brother help with the gaming action,
And your NWN platinum package is on the way, all expenses on us.

LOVE, Hypatia Theon (Also a girl, according to the history books, anyway.)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

\\OOP // & OOC// Looks W-A-Y down at the bottom of the web log....

Where the site meter has barely reached a mere paltry 17...

*Shakes little head sadly* Seventeen? Is that all? We've got to do better than that before continuing with our MAIN FEATURE...

*Goes to take out the trash* Right?

Re: Contact from meryl.net - Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, want a grant?

Meryl K. Evans wrote:

I am totally lost as to what all of this is about and I looked at the blog entry...

hypatia_theon@fastmail.fm wrote:
Hypatia Theon has contacted you via meryl.net.

Name: Hypatia Theon
Email: hypatia_theon@fastmail.fm
Organization: BOX TOO SMALL
Comments: http://www.ne.jp/asahi/sweet/song/hypatia_theon_background_and_cordor.htm
Hmm.... Sorry, URL doesn't seem to fit in the box... Also posted this on an obsolete blog page at first try. Sorry, again, quite new to this blogging stuff, as I'm sure you'll quickly see.

Anyway, to finish what was started..

Another creative attempt to solve this conundrum in international internet diplomacy ;)
Well, Meryl, to put it in a nut shell: My passionate samurai wife and my somewhat more philosophical self have severe doubts about what's going on at AmiaWorld.net; (The Web address of the game is
So, having been IP banned for daring to raise the topic of whether encouraging cyber between players by secret tells on a web site where young kids frequently play the game and post to the forum (http://www.amiaworld.net/) was wise or should better be replaced by more open PG sex of the sort families watch together on T.V. or in movies like, e.g., Charlie's Angles Full Throttle, or other acceptable family entertainment, and then vilified and stigmatized in absentia as some crazy loon with no notes in his tune, I've been trying by various e-mails and now with this blog to bring the problem to the attention of folks there in Plano who are in a position to apply the right pressures to fix things ... if indeed they are broken. This is primarily a moral problem rather than strictly a legal one, so the more light shed on the situation, the better, nicht wahr?

Care to apply for one of those grants, Meryl (Was pretty sure yours was a girl's name, but one never can be sure about sex on the internet, ne?) seems like you'd be overqualified, yet perhaps curious?

By the way, if you're not a gamer, better get a kid to help you with the action bits. LOL.

Most respectfully yours, Hypatia Theon

Another creative attempt to solve this conundrum in international internet diplomacy ;)

*Hypatia Theon, never one to give up on trying to negotiate peace easily, looks up at the Cc: list* Hm... Well, so far The Dallas Morning News and Plano City Government have not exactly shown forth. Perhaps they are in need of resources?

As many of you already know, minimum woman rejected my samurai wife's peace offering of $250.00 USD, choosing to label her kindness as bribery. Sigh! What a BIG GIT!

So that leaves plenty of funds on hand for a few grants to any responsible journalists or city officials who would care to investigate, but can't affort the necessary tools. As you can see, it would cost about $35.00 plus shipping and handling to have Neverwinter Nights Platinum in hand tomorrow. Just contact us for a grant, giving your bona fides and promising to look into the situation, and we'll underwrite the cost of having Amazon.com send you the CDs and CD Keycodes you'll need to install Neverwinter Nights on your computer and boogie right on over to the Docks of Cordor to check things out in person. Fair enough?

Seeking more potential investigators:

>From The City of Plano Texas Plano City News.com:

For additional information or questions about PlanoCityNews.com, contact Deborah Stone, Editor, deborahs@plano.gov .
Please refer all EVENTS CALENDAR information and questions to Phyllis Reese at phyllisr@plano.gov.
Let's add them.

Also from Meryl.net Content Maven's blog notes:
Texas e-Judges

E-savvy Judge Ups Courtroom E-fficiency writes about 11 Collin County Judges who have Web sites that provide docket information, seminar information, court rules, and other matters. Guess what? Collin County is in my backyard in Plano, Texas or AKA that city that is just a smidgen north of Dallas. To make this amazing, the judges have privately funded the effort. Nothing is coming out of taxpayers' pockets. [Link TheShiftedLibrarian]
Let's post this whole log to her log & see what happens.

Your philosophical investigator and servant of "The One," also known in Amia as Ao, Hypatia Theon

Now here was a really silly lost chance, I.M.H.O.

Dear Satsuki XXXXXXXXX,

This email confirms that you have paid jking@prospeed.net (jking@prospeed.net) $250.00 USD using PayPal.

Payment Details
Total: $250.00 USD
Transaction ID: 00154002K4850670A
Item/Product Name: Amia Server Enhancement Fund
Buyer: Satsuki XXXXXXXXX
Message: Please don't misunderstand. I would have done this anyway. Please accept this even if some players in our family do have to be banned for awhile. I'm sure none of them have done any wrong, and that we all have the best interests of Amia in mind. My husband makes this much for just performing a couple of weddings. RP he LOVES doing, too!

Yours the root of Ai Henjin (I really am a samurai)

Sadly, this is rejected as bribery!

Or as the self-styled KING put it:


I mean no disrespect to you or your family, but I must decline acceptance of this money. It is in violation of our rules to accept money from a banned player. I have no way of validating your identity with respect to the player(s) on my server. The forum posts and online conduct is not what I want to see on Amia. There are plenty of social servers out there which cater to those needs, and while if may happen in private sessions on Amia is is kept between two people and private.

In the future if this ban is lifted, I will consider taking a donation once again, but not before that time.

Good luck,

Jim King

Hmm... sounds polite enough, but the actions belied his words as this King proceeded to violate his own rules with the impunity of every totalitarian ruler. Ignoring his own decrees about how players should be disciplined by DM or staff, this wisher of "Good luck" goes about banning our son, vault wiping his characters and BOOTING him, without any explanation or appeal. This was done purely as vindictive retribution against his parents. Now this coward can't even admit what he has done. For him, Satsuki is a man, there is no son, and those lies now just begun go on, and on, and on, and on....

Sad, isn't it, to have such a BIG GIT ruling AmiaWorld? Except for his totally uncompromising egoism, Hypatia Theon could have negotiatied an agreement to everyone's advantage, and we'd all have moved on long ago. This is all too typical of American "diplomacy" to demand that their rules rule and all who disobey be called outlaws. .

Didn't mean to get carried away there...

Whew! That's exactly the sort of thing that makes them think we're crazy, but actually we were just testing out our new photo-posting tool... Hee, heh. . . .

There now.

Well, time to get down to Pearl's love life, so let's get on to part one, ne?

But first a word from our sponsor ....

Let's spice this up with a few photos!

Would you LOOK at that!
Let's spice this up with a few photos!

Those war-like jingoists!
Let's spice this up with a few photos!

To STEP ON ...
Let's spice this up with a few photos!

Hubby calls on Japanese GIRL POWER!
Let's spice this up with a few photos!

Meanwhile at work...
Let's spice this up with a few photos!

Let's spice this up with a few photos!

Back at the wife's country home in the family tokonoma this kabuto and yoroi stand guard with a heirloom katana leaning against the wall beside them. Look like a samurai home to you or not? Sheesh!

Should a site where kids RPG encourage cyber? I say, "No!"

This is my fundamental point, missed ever time by web mistress minimum woman and her lover the frey guy of bare tech. (Oh, my goodness, did Ai miss spell? Just making an interesting blog 'cuz diplomacy has failed miserably.) They keep raising red herrings like how many people may or may not be posting from our house, whether or not private messages containing cute little images like this or this are obscene violations of their terms of service, whether lampoons violate internet law such that any ISP worth its salt should ban their authors on sight, and whether anyone who disagrees with their totalitarian viewpoint must automatically be another Sadman Insane or perhaps Osamu bin Farkin' around with them ?
What a sorry world many Ameriacns seem to live in compared with we wiser global citizens! This link is many words to the wise. For a couple of examples, note how cheerfully Ai's bard SweetSong kicks off the topic and the immediate agressive response by a Dungeon Master pretending to be an American girl named Rain. Hmm... The contrast between American's (lack of) wisdom and that from other nations continues at length with the topic being hijacked to censorship, and finally a member from Guam quotes (my complaint) and comments,
"'Also, that's a TERRIBLE policy to allow cybering by tells*. I watched over my 13-(at the time now 14)-year-old son's shoulder in some surprise as a member, who still posts frequently on these forums, so I'll not mention names, sent what I'm sure was a mis-tell, "Hello, [censored]!" I'm sure you can guess what was not *ed out, but I usually prefer the softer Elizabethan term, "Cunny" for that part of my anatomy... So... Just wanted to call the kettle [censored]! *Precisely because of the numerous mis-tells. I get them every day.'
yeah i remember that but that Jerk! called everybody that he sent that tell to every player at that time"
Q.E.D. That would mean that every kid playing in Amia at that time received a tell saying, "Hello. C**T!"
Guess that's enough for one post, but there remain a couple of more points to make about American pig headedness, before we get back to our main feature.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Turns out an ASAHI-NET blog would be VERY useful for me at the moment.

ASAHI Net wrote:
Dear XXXXXXX, Thank you for your email. And thanks as always for your quick and professional reply, XXXXXXX.
We really need more concrete information from you before deciding whether or not we can help you. That's why I'm pointing you here & removing our names from this e-mail, too, since I'm posting all e-mail on this topic to the blog as you can see.
Sending a copy of an email is fine to an extent, but we have no background to go on which makes it difficult to understand the email and difficult to know how to help you. Please could you tell us: - how you think we can help you (in other words, what do you want us to do?) Well, of course I'd like to have my blog on ASAHI-NET, since you're my ISP.
- how do you think using ASAHI Net's BLOG service is going to help you? As I'm sure you can tell, I'm quite new to blogging, so I hope you can guide and advise me on the best ways and means to proceed.
- have you been in contact with the service(s) hosting the game Web site or hosting the mail accounts of the people sending you the email? Of course I have, as I'm sure you can see now, but their response is part of the problem rather than any solution... so far. One always hopes that they will grow a pair of ears and develop common sense sooner or later; meanwhile, I'm just doing the best i can.
If you consider yourself being abused by other Internet users, the first point of contact in order to make a complaint is the company hosting those user's Internet service. If you can't get access to that information and want it, please supply: I've already done so. Please see our blog for full details. By ARIN search the company seems to be OrgName: Bear Technologies Corporation OrgID: BEAR Address: 1410 Summit Ave Address: Suite 6 City: Plano StateProv: TX PostalCode: 75074 Country: US
1. the Web address of the game Web site
2. the header of one (only one please) of the emails that you have received. Return-Path: mailto:frey@beartech.com Received:from mda02.asahi-net.or.jp (Postfix)by (atson1mbox) with pddf; Sat, 21 May 2005 03:54:14 +0900 (JST)from mx6.asahi-net.or.jp (mx6 [])by mda02.asahi-net.or.jp (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4C34F10022367 for mailto:qa3d-wlkn@asahi-net.or.jp; Sat, 21 May 2005 03:54:14 +0900 (JST) from sbmx3.asahi-net.or.jp (sbmx3.asahi-net.or.jp []) by mx6.asahi-net.or.jp (Postfix) with ESMTP id 13C58C63B for mailto:qa3d-wlkn@asahi-net.or.jp; Sat, 21 May 2005 03:54:14 +0 from mail-kr.bigfoot.com ( [])by sbmx3 (SpamBlock.ps 3.4.81) with ESMTP id mailto:16641F11F5CC444CA8AB3FCE7D733C53131FE9@7of9.Bear-net.net for mailto:qa3d-wlkn@asahi-net.or.jp; Sat, 21 May 2005 03:54:06 +0900from 7of9.Bear-net.net ([])by BFLITEMAIL-KR4.bigfoot.com (LiteMail v3.03(BFLITEMAIL-KR4)) with SMTP id 0505201712_BFLITEMAIL-KR4_416617_77898398; Fri, 20 May 2005 17:23:26 -0400 EST Return-Receipt-to:"Frey Petermeier" mailto:Frey@BearTech.com Message-ID:mailto:16641F11F5CC444CA8AB3FCE7D733C53131FE9@7of9.Bear-net.net X-From-Domain: beartech.com X-From-EMAIL: frey@beartech.com Is that enough?
I will then investigate, and send you any contact information I find so that you can contact the relevant services. Been there. Done that. Hope you'll have better luck. :)
I look forward to your reply. Then you must be a happy guy about now? :D Me, too. LOL
Regards, XXXXXXXXX Don't see any reason for posting our names on line at this time especially in view of these suspicious facts: First, Frey claims he complained to my ISP (He knew both my IP # and Asahi-net E-mail address.) the day before I sent you this request, but . . . Second, although Frey bad mouths Asia Pacific Networks, last time I e-mailed hostmaster@arin.net he replied in less than 24 hours, so... Finally, I've offered to provide Frey with one of our keitai denwa numbers to call; however, so far . . . I'm going to send this now in hopes of catching you working late at the office, remembering how some years ago when I ran the local Mitsubishi Shipyard & Engine Works company language training program, it was a matter of course for everyone to try to work later than the guy at the next desk and then all go drinking together afterwards. Don't suppose that's changed, has it? :P If this does miss you tonight, I'll post a few more thoughts for your consideration after bath and dinner. It's been a long day with my samurai wife displacing her anger at internet chicanery into an all out attack against clutter around our house using me to cart off about a ton of dead bodies. :D ASAHI Net =========================================================== ASAHI Net English Customer Service E-mail: eap-net@asahi-net.or.jp Tel : 0570-01-3522 - for calls from a fixed telephone line. 03-3569-3522 - for calls from PHS, cell phone or public phone. Tel support hours are Monday-Friday, 10:00am-5:00pm, excluding national holidays and ASAHI Net holidays. Fax : 03-3569-3501 Web : http://asahi-net.jp/en/ Post : 8F Asahi Bldg,Ginza 6-6-7,Chuo-ku,Tokyo-to 104-0061 ============================================================

I hereby formally announce the creation of my web log to bring your hypocrisy to the attention of as many other concerned parents as possible...

Cease your emails to me.
This is ridiculous. This issue is over. You are a loon. You are all these people, and you are in serious need of mental help.
You are impersonating a Police Officer, and I am forwarding everything we have to a REAL Plano investigator who I've contacted personally on this matter.
I am also sending emails to your ISP, and I would send something to the abuse address listed under the Asia Pacific network but of course we all know that will do no good. Its obvious you've completely lost your grip on reality, and we're much more interersted in protecting our clients and those that frequent our websites from people like YOU.
We are IP banning you from our network completely.

From: Pearl Long [mailto:LongZhenZhu@Bigfoot.com]
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 11:16 AM
To: Frey Petermeier
Cc: Teresabr@plano.gov; admin@xenocorp.net; dave.sorter@scntx.com; ldallen@dallasnews.com; rappleton@dallasnews.com; lball@dallasnews.com; Takeo Takei; Jim King; paladinofsune@yahoo.co.uk; chemicle_nova@hotmail.com; dyojimbo@hotmail.com; grymia@rogers.com; whiteknights411@aol.com; fafrey@xenocorp.net
Subject: Words to the wise... or are they hopeless fools? Only time will tell.

Dear Frey,

    Not only have I disobeyed your order to "
Cease your emails to me." as I'm sure you most fervently hoped would happen by some miracle, but I hereby formally announce the creation of my web log to bring your hypocrisy to the attention of as many other concerned parents as possible until we can establish for certain that no more cyber sex tells are being inflicted upon defenseless minors at your bdsm harboring web site with it's Temple of Pain and sadistic Dungeon Masters skilled in inflicting unearned punishments upon innocent children.

    Whether or not I am a loon is not the issue, although time will tell as I continue the publish each e-mail on the internet. All the mental help necessary is at our disposal, thanks for your concern, and as for how many people answer the phone here, you've displayed your cowardice by your failure to find out. My "impersonation" of a police officer, which didn't appear to mislead the guardians of AmiaWorld from truth for more than a few minutes, is a perfectly legitimate literary device know as a lampoon. One target of our satire is the woeful lack of effectiveness by responsible public officials in Plano, Texas at dealing with the viper in their midst. As for your claim that you contacted an investigator, that's given the lie with each passing hour your "
REAL Plano investigator" fails to make any attempt to ask me questions, or is he as skillful at using e-mail as my "Police Officer" wasn't?

    Neither has my ISP expressed any concern about my activities, although I recently contacted them for additional support in my campaign to rid the internet of your nefarious exploitation of the weak. As for the effectiveness of your IP ban, let me just say to Grymia how sorry
that I felt to see how forlorn that comment of "hilarious" looks out of context now that Kanto has purged Navi's history of chastity jock straps. 'nuff said?

Regards, Pearl & Ai

A few of Hypatia Theon's Recent Letters

Subject: Last peaceful emissary before hostilities begin? Date: 5/18/2005 2:40 AM
Well, would you look at what ARIN found @ Server IP:

Search results for: ! NET-204-11-40-0-1

OrgName: Bear Technologies Corporation
Address: 1410 Summit Ave
Address: Suite 6
City: Plano
StateProv: TX
PostalCode: 75074
Country: US

NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-204-11-40-0-1
Parent: NET-204-0-0-0-0
NetType: Direct Allocation
RegDate: 2005-01-26
Updated: 2005-01-26

TechHandle: YY59-ARIN
TechName: Yeager, Yogi
TechPhone: +1-972-424-7086
TechEmail: yogi@beartech.com

OrgTechHandle: YY59-ARIN
OrgTechName: Yeager, Yogi
OrgTechPhone: +1-972-424-7086
OrgTechEmail: yogi@beartech.com

Search results for: N . XENOCORP

CustName: Xenocorp, Inc.
Address: 2918 Lakewood Dr
City: Garland
StateProv: TX
PostalCode: 75042
Country: US
RegDate: 2005-03-07
Updated: 2005-03-07

NetRange: -
NetHandle: NET-204-11-47-16-1
Parent: NET-204-11-40-0-1
NetType: Reassigned
RegDate: 2005-03-07
Updated: 2005-03-07

TechHandle: YY59-ARIN
TechName: Yeager, Yogi
TechPhone: +1-972-424-7086
TechEmail: yogi@beartech.com

OrgTechHandle: YY59-ARIN
OrgTechName: Yeager, Yogi
OrgTechPhone: +1-972-424-7086
OrgTechEmail: yogi@beartech.com

So Hypatia Theon is guessing that e-mail addressed to yogi@beartech.com is still "in house"
or close enough that it's still possible to negotiate a satisfactory solution to all this?
Surely Texas has laws about cybering with kids, and our son's uncle, a retired U.S. Justice Dept. lawyer, just happens to live there, too. Perhaps, Jim would listen to reason if I e-mailed or phoned him, and had him whisper a few words of wisdom in Yogi's ears?
Just a thought, and our son's uncle, who loves him very much and being a millionaire,
sends us $20,000 every X-mas as a gift towards his education, etc., is a very cool guy,
so we could still consider that keeping things in the family, ne?
What do you say to this last idea of mine towards a peaceful resolution?
The point you're all missing is that this isn't about your right to ban Pearl Dragon, et. al.
Fine, go ahead, if you want, she was doing her best to be a good Amian citizen, as she saw it,
But who's to say whether she's seeing clearly? Everybody gets that subjective distortion, ne?
Here IS the point. Our son is still playing on Amia, and, as his parents,
we just want to be sure the playground is wholesome. This means:
1) No links to porn on the forums, please!
2) A policy of actively discouraging cybering in tells - or any other way - in game.
(There are a huge number of places for adults to cyber. Let them leave the game and
go there if they really MUST. Personally I believe, being very experienced at cyber
in appropriate settings, that one reaches a creative ceiling eventually and wants to
transcend mere eroticism to writing that can be understood on different levels by readers
with different sophistication. If you believe otherwise, fine. Just keep your cyber to
adult sites and your legitimate role play to Amia.)
3) Only a suggestion, but you might re-consider how sanctions are imposed, as this banning, for example.
Well, being banned is a good incentive for us (husband and wife) to concentrate on other joint creative projects, so let's get this finished, and move on people.

LOVE, Hypatia Theon, et. al.

Subject: Game, Set, Match! Date: 5/18/2005 2:41 PM

Ai Henjin wrote: <------ A whole lot of wickedly funny stuff, of course I know all too well 'cuz I was helping her, but now she's gone downstairs in a really bad mood after looking at that America, F**k Yeah video again. She's saying, "Here in Japan it's a big problem of 少女 with 13-year-old girls selling their bodies. I don't want our son playing on that kind of web site;" however, unfortunately, our son is in no mood to leave, and we're not prepared to ban his current favorite game for no fault on his part, so that's why you're gonna have to clean up your act but fast! ... & Ai just got this auto-response from Frey@BearTech.com Hello, I am out of the office in training today Tuesday May 17th and will return to the office Thursday, May19th. If you need technical assistance, please email support@beartech.com, or contact us directly @ 972-424-7086.   Frey Petermeier Network Technician 1410 Summit Ave, Suite 6 Plano, TX 75074 972.424.7086 Fax - 972.379.4929 www.BearTech.com LAN / WAN Network Services Internet Service Provider Message from: Frey@BearTech.com Message to: AiHenjin@Bigfoot.com Attached files: 0 Attached files size: 0   "Don't try to be a great man, just be a man. Let History make its own judgment." So this is a good time to point out that Jim was less than completely honest when he wrote to me that "I apologize to the people at Bear Technologies who have received this, because it really has nothing to do with them," and then proceeded to Cc: Frey Petermeier, which worked out well, since now we have a name, a date, and phone number for my brother in Texas to call. During our thankfully-well-transcended, bad-ole cybering days, when we held that rare royal flush that can never be out bluffed, we learned the strategy of using the truth wisely and tactic of never making a claim you can't back up when the cards fall. Thought you Americans invented poker. Belive it people, ya got 'til Thursday, May19th, Texas time, to put our Amian house in order before my brother calls Frey Petermeier @ 972-424-7086 and makes him an offer he's not gonna refuse. LOVE, Hypatia Theon, who prayed succussful for the blessing of Ao. "The one" also 青 ao is Japanese for green. Subject: Re: I hope they lift the ban soon! Date: 5/19/2005 4:13 AM On 5/19/2005 1:21:50 AM, Ryan Phillips (dark_esper102@yahoo.com) wrote: > 0o You were BANNED?!?! WTF?! That sucks! My poor partner (or partners,
> seeing as how you all play at once, lol) Well, if this is the case, then I
> will stop and wait for a bit until you can get back on. I will just play
> on one of my social servers until then. ^^;;
> I hope they lift the ban soon!

Hi, Ryan/Shadow,

Hope I can consider you a true friend/partner to whom I can turn for some help and advice in one of the worst emotional crisis I've seen yet in a long and far from conventional life. At the moment I'm alone at the keyboard. This is just a quick note to ask you a couple of questions that I hope you'll get back to me on soon while I'm installing and learning the basics of Microsoft© FrontPage - a program which should help me create the necessary web pages for posting this whole nasty story to our personal ftp site that we've just used to store SweetSong's images so far. How hard can it be really? Look at all the kids who make web pages and blogs and what have you, ne?

1) Wouldn't you just go ahead and take down AmiaWorld now if you were in my shoes since I've got personal evidence of the most utterly convincing first-hand nature that the owner and a few other top dogs are sexual sadists of the worst kind that deliberately and with cold-blooded malice committed rape and murder of a 14-year-old child. I mean my own son, to whom I haven't been able to talk for hours after he had an hours-long private conference with his favorite teacher that paid a special visit to our house to try and help him understand things. That's how society works in Japan in times of severe problems. Not sure if American's do things this way? Anyway, now that they vault wiped my son's account, so that when he tried to log, he could just see that all his over a dozen AmiaWorld characters were totally gone, then when he quickly made a new one and clicked play just got a message "BOOTED!" Same as with me, there was no e-mail message explaining why. How the hell could there be since he's a totally innocent bystander? He told me he's got a friend there called Solar, so he's sure Solar will help. I'm pretty sure that's Takeo Takei. Hey, I said I know his e-mail (I'm gonna add that to this message as a Cc: now in case it might help.) is on the web site. We browsed to AmiaWorld, where no one is ever banned from the forum without good reason? Of course, my son, who's only ever posted there once to introduce himself and his first character, was unable to log on there, too. We did find a post by Takeo and my son, who knows how to use MSM already 'cuz he messages other kids from all around the world in Japanese and English. - Damn kids learn fast, don't they? He's only had the computer since his birthday, April 24th! I can't use messenger myself yet. Never really wanted to since e-mail works fine.

2) Whew! That was kind of long for question one, so I'm gonna just do a couple more lines, run the spell check and click send. Sorry, this is a bit incoherent, but maybe you've picked up why by now. Who the hell do these child-molesting perverts think they are? Why have they done such a monstrous thing to our son while at the same time stupidly removing our only worldly reason for not going public? There's little point any more in asking for the intervention of my brother in Texas, who I was gonna recruit as an on-the-spot Hypatia embodiment because he's a retired lawyer and as a multi-millionaire by far the richest relative I've got plus a far more sensible person than yours truly not to even mention that he loves kids and totally dotes on my son, so I thought.... Argg! I can do any kind of nasty stuff that needs doing myself, thanks! All that sways my hand now is the knowledge of the dozens of other innocent bystanders who enjoy AmiaWorld as it stands communication flaws and all, so the spiritual side of me says, "Forgive and Forget. Go for your own personal growth. Succor your family. Kids are resilient. Lick your wounds." Then the side my samurai wife knows quite well as it was born of her replies, "Don't be a wussy you friggin' pussy. You have as much moral obligation to cleanse the world of such an abomination. Cut them down!" Well, obviously, as in all such cases, courage is required to follow either path, and wisdom to chose which way to go from here.

What say you, friend or foe, advice to guide my feet, a willing sword to guard my back?

Yours .... Looks like Hypatia may be stepping down, so do I need a new character to play this role, even .... Gasp! .. My true self *looks around* whoever that is...

P.s. "...one of my social servers until then..." Which one? (I've never done any on-line rp but Amia, though.) Maybe we could meet there? If so, which character should I come as?

Subject: How about negotiating a cease fire, or even, GASP! ... a peaceful end to all hostilities? Date: 5/20/2005 1:50 AM

Frey R.M. Petermeier wrote:
To all whom where copied on this message: I would be more than willing to talk ... (Please scroll down to the bottom for peace offening if you're too busy to read all the background material.)


Frey R.M. Petermeier

CEO, Director - Fleet Activities

XenoCorp Inc.


XenoCorp Email

Global Email

"Don't try to be a great man, just be a man... Let History make it's own judgment."


From: Ai Henjin [mailto:AiHenjin@Bigfoot.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:06 AM
To: Teresabr@plano.gov; admin@xenocorp.net; Frey@BearTech.com; webpk@cox.net; dave.sorter@scntx.com; ldallen@dallasnews.com; rappleton@dallasnews.com; lball@dallasnews.com
Cc: Takeo Takei; Jim King; paladinofsune@yahoo.co.uk; chemicle_nova@hotmail.com; dyojimbo@hotmail.com; grymia@rogers.com; whiteknights411@aol.com
Subject: How can a foreigner obtain help from American police for sadistic harrassment of children by a web site hosted in your town?

Dear Police Person, ( And so on.. .)


You know since that last hot reply you received from Ai Henjin, a character whose temper I'm sure you're now all too familiar with, there has been this to consider:

Oh, LZZ,

I read through your emails.
And cried.

There is too much in them. Too much hate, too much hurt, too much menace.
Please stop it. Stop the emails, stop fueling the fire. Please stay away from the dark side.
It is not too late to take the pacifist approach, and over time, I hope the "ban" will be lifted.

In the meantime, take a break, or check out some other servers.
I really enjoyed "Narc's Bonds of Blood" - not as heavy in the role playing, but I really liked the way they "tweaked" the NWN rules.
eg. Spot and Hide really count for something - when enemies meet, they freeze while "initiative" is calculated.
Let me know if you want to try it out... you can meet Laird Forrest.

- - g
Not much chance of g's optimistic hope for a pacifist approach you might say, but please allow me to introduce:

Author Message
Philosophical Investigator

Joined: 04 May 2005
Posts: 16
Location: Alexandria & Cordor
  Posted: May 04 2005 Post subject: Hypatia Theon's Background and Arrival in Cordor


Hypatia daughter of Theon was respected by the whole city of Alexandria for her wisdom in spiritual matters as well has her deep knowledge of mathematics and astronomy, having made contributions to the analysis of conic sections and construction of the astrolabe for measuring the position of stars and planets. None of this saved her from the lynch mob of Christian fanatics who, jealous of her superior understanding of "The One," accused her of witchcraft and dragged her from her chariot as she was riding peacefully home one day. Then they flayed her alive using bits of broken pottery and sharpened seashells. Rare sports those early Jesus freaks, eh?

After a few hundred years in soulful communion with her beloved "One," Hypatia Theon found herself drawn once again into human form, this time in the world of Amia, where she eventually showed up as so many adventurers have before her on the docks of Cordor, City of infinite dreams . . . and nightmares. Because of her spiritual karma, Hypatia Theon, of course, has a monk's wisdom as well as a cleric's healing hand. As in her previous existence, Hypatia Theon has great interest in philosophy, but being newly reborn, will have to begin those philosophical investigations anew by engaging in dialogs with various denizens of Cordor and other Amian cities to compile the spiritual and philosophical knowledge currently available in this land so that her own wisdom and spiritual insight might grow apace.

Of course, Hypatia Theon's God is "The One," perhaps best known to Amian clerics as Ao. As a philosopher at heart, she's lawful and her alignment is neutral; however, naturally she'll only practice good spells. Some might consider it a slight handicap to her advancement in Amia that she is absolutely opposed to taking life and so can only join parties in a non-combatant role, with the exception of turning undead, it being a moot point whether there's any harm in taking a zombie's life since it has died at least once already. Hypatia Theon is more than willing to support others in a healing role and ever eager to listen to their spiritual insights and philosophical musings.

Although breathtakingly beautiful, Hypatia Theon has absolutely no interest in romance and has several sharp comments to discourage would-be Casanovas as well as instructive examples of how so called "love" is a nonsensical distraction from life's true purpose of breaking free from the illusions of this material world to reach that divine part of us, our soul, which connects us all to "The One."

Who is a character more than willing to undertake seemingly hopeless tasks of peace negotiations:

Philosophical Investigator

Joined: 04 May 2005
Posts: 16
Location: Alexandria & Cordor
Posted: May 04 2005 Post subject: Amian diplomacy in action.


Negotiating with kobolds:

After Ther'al directs Hypatia to Cordor's library, he delivers some parcels and then meets her there. During their ensuing discussion, she proposes negotiating with kobolds instead of just killing them.

Hypatia Theon: Ah.. there you are again, Ther'al.. How did your deliveries go?
Ther'al Al'dara: Well indeed, and i got a lot of tips..
Hypatia Theon: Sorry.. I just lose track of time in a library..
Ther'al Al'dara: *chuckles* Well, i am going to start a hunting party, care to join me?
Hypatia Theon: "Tips"? You learned some useful information?
Ther'al Al'dara: Nay lass. . . . i got moola.
Hypatia Theon: Hunting? It's against my beliefs to kill innocent beings, sorry..
Ther'al Al'dara: Well, actually, they are not innocent.
Hypatia Theon: If you can use my services as a healer, though...
Ther'al Al'dara: I hear that they have killed many a traveler. Hmm yes, we could use a healer.
Hypatia Theon: We are all innocent in the eyes of "The One" *Nods*
Ther'al Al'dara: Hmm, of course! *is obviously confused* Shall we go then?
Hypatia Theon: Sure. I have a few healing skills and protective spells at your disposal. *Notes his confusion* You're not interested in spiritual matters?
Ther'al Al'dara: Aye, aye. i shall keep you safe, you just make sure i don't get any blood on my armor. Of course i am..
Hypatia Theon: I have a spell for that I believe.. let's see..
Ther'al Al'dara: interested in..spiritual matter..
Hypatia Theon: Shield of Faith.. That might help..
Ther'al Al'dara: I follow...uh..Torm is it? why yes! yes Torm, of course i follow Torm.
Hypatia Theon: You follow Torm?
Ther'al Al'dara: Yes..Yes i do *smiles, happy because he remembered a good god* i am a paladin that fights the evil!
Hypatia Theon: I'd like to hear some of Torm's teachings ... when you have time to explain them to me..
Ther'al Al'dara: *smirks* Why of course.
Hypatia Theon: So you believe in subduing evil by force?
Ther'al Al'dara: Nay, but if i must, i will.
Hypatia Theon: But force is in itself evil, is it not?
Ther'al Al'dara: Like we will try and persuade these kobolds to stop their attacking. Yes, you must fight evil with evil.
Hypatia Theon: Thus you are compounding evil in your work, right?
Ther'al Al'dara: Yes. Only if i must, then i ask Torm to forgive me. Shall we go?
Hypatia Theon: But two evils in their confrontation may often inflict harm on innocent bystanders.. That's one reason I try to avoid use of force...
Ther'al Al'dara: Yes. As do i. Now let us try and persuade these kobolds to stop their violence.
Hypatia Theon: So? You are eager to be off on this hunt, then, Ther'al?
Ther'al Al'dara: Yes, i grow tired of being coped up in a boat then this city.
Hypatia Theon: Yes. By all means... Let's negotiate with these "evil" kobolds.. Perhaps some of them may turn out not to be so evil..
Ther'al Al'dara: Hopefully.

Setting on their mission of peace with high hopes and picking up Andrea, an animal trainer, along the way, Ther'al's diplomatic mission reaches Kobold Caverns:

Ther'al Al'dara: *chuckles* We mean no harm! Better stop..
Hypatia Theon: Killing living beings is absolutely against my principles.
Ther'al Al'dara: Fine!
Hypatia Theon: Oh! Blood everywhere..
Andrea Travast: Good Arvash!
Ther'al Al'dara: *grumbles holding his side*
Hypatia Theon: How brutal!
Ther'al Al'dara: *pulls out a arrow from his chest* I need better armor..
Andrea Travast: You ok?
Hypatia Theon: I have none myself.
Ther'al Al'dara: I'll live..For a while. *limps slightly*
Hypatia Theon: That's all anyone can do..
Andrea Travast: Whew!
Hypatia Theon: Hey kobolds?
Ther'al Al'dara: Well i tried talking to them a while back.
Hypatia Theon: Oh.. They're all dead..
Ther'al Al'dara: They didn't listen.
Ther'al Al'dara: And i don't like having a arrow sticking out of my neck
Hypatia Theon: No chance to negotiate.. What a shame..
Ther'al Al'dara: Yes.
Hypatia Theon: Events happen so quickly out here in the field..
Ther'al Al'dara: Don't attack us.. We come to talk.
Hypatia Theon: Doesn't it remind you of that saying, "The map is not the territory." I mentioned earlier at the mapmakers?
Ther'al Al'dara: Damn... Get back. Get back.
Hypatia Theon: Hello, kobolds. Please don't fight..
Ther'al Al'dara: Get back.. Run! Gah!
Vyper Shadowstorm: Greetings, Hypatia Theon. I guard the bridge between the land of the living and the land of the dead


Dungeon Master

Joined: 18 Jan 2005
Posts: 387

Posted: May 05 2005 Post subject:


Bwahahaha! Durn shame I wasn't there to spice things a bit with actual interaction instead of the automatic NPC reactions.

Very amusing though, very
Navira WindRacer - Proud owner of the '1001 Uses For Fairy Dust' book and carrier of a Cleveage Of Holding.

Background and Image plus Song.

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Philosophical Investigator

Joined: 04 May 2005
Posts: 16
Location: Alexandria & Cordor
Posted: May 05 2005 Post subject: Not everyone is amused . . .


Kanto wrote:
Bwahahaha! Durn shame I wasn't there to spice things a bit with actual interaction instead of the automatic NPC reactions.

Very amusing though, very

Well, it's good at least one person enjoyed Hypatia, who persisted in her pacifism in the face of the cruel realities of Amian life... and death, even her own. Here a drow makes a public display of goodness by healing a wounded bystander while seeking to recruit members for a mission of non-mercy to the lair of some cultists:

Mathak Elg'carin: yes i'm back a man layed on the floor bleeding i cured him
Hypatia Theon: Curing seems a worthy pasttime.. Help .. instead of splashing blood far and wide.
Mathak Elg'carin: what do you mean
Hypatia Theon: Torm would surely smile on this? So what is it you seek again? I seek knowledge myself..
Mathak Elg'carin: i have been requested to go into the cultists lair and find some sort of a book
Hypatia Theon: Torm is a god of healing and not bloodshed is he not?
Mathak Elg'carin: but i think we have to kill some cultist's to get the book
Hypatia Theon: Don't you agree, Ther'al?
Mathak Elg'carin: will you help me or not?
Hypatia Theon: Perhaps we could try to persuade them to give us the book?
Mathak Elg'carin: are you nuts they're cold blooded killers they will kill first and not ask after
Hypatia Theon: Surely negotiation is preferable to willy nilly slaughter?
Hypatia Theon: What makes you so sure they're incapable of a change of heart? Perhaps if we set a good example for them? Met them with kindness rather than killing?
Mathak Elg'carin: i've fought them before and i didn't even know was their lair they just ran into me and kicked my butt
Hypatia Theon: Of course if you approach them with large glowing swords, they're bound to feel a wee bit threatened, aren't they? Wouldn't you?

Unfortunately, not everyone is amused; however, Kanto, it would appear that over in the History & Lore Forum Hypatia_Theon is about to be ostracized for being too, err..., historical?

*Brews a potion of hemlock* Perhaps this will taste less bitter if I sweeten it with a dollop of gallows humor?

So, what's it to be - large glowing swords and hemlock, or is there a more peaceful way to resolve our current conflict?
Each side sees the other as having committed inexcusable wrongs. On your side, you feel that your "rules" have been desecrated beyond redemption.
Ours is offended by the lack of honor in violating our child's innocence.
Hm... So far the table seems rather bare of peace offerings; however, for our part we have noted several positive indications of growth at AmiaWorld.
For instance, that offensive Team-America video, which, wickedly witty satire though it was, did contain overt pornography, has been purged -
By the way, that was the only request Satsuki included with her strings-free donation of $250.00 towards a new server CPU. -
Also, there seemed an increasing openness in forum discussion last time we were able to look, so that's not a bad outcome from a historical perspective free of ego involvement.
Do you suppose it's possible for the Admin/DM side to allow that it was excessive to visit punishment for the sin's of the parents unto the next generation?
Even if the characters have been totally wiped from the vault, it's merely necessary for a good DM like Kanto, or perhaps Solar wouldn't mind volunteering,
to meet with him for a rebuild. He'll remember all the necessary details to do that quite quickly, I'm sure. In return, well what's out of the bag can't be returned,
but newspapers don't always prefer sad stories. Sometimes, a happy ending makes good news, too, and there'd be no need to blog a dead horse all over the internet.

Truly yours, Hypatia Theon, with prayers for peace to "The One," known in this world as God almighty and in Amia as Ao.

Subject: Re: "...perhaps we'll see what arises out of that particular..." Date: 5/22/2005 3:17 AM

Frey Petermeier wrote:
I've relayed your intentions (This refers to an international phone call from Jim to show him that he actually punished an innocent child by talking to us, his parents.) to my Boss, and perhaps we'll see what arises out of that particular.

Regardless, you cannot access any of MY networks, which includes AMIA (So then there's no way to prove to us that you've actually changed the policy on cyber tells, is there now?) and the AMIA forums. (How much of Japan have you cut off?)

Have a great night :)

Dear Frey,

This is the husband of the kichigai fufu (crazy couple in Japanese) who did have a wonderful if rather l-o-n-g day performing seven weddings for my company in another city several hours from here by train and bus. Western style weddings in Japan, now there's real theater for you, and our music is fantastic, too. Not that I'm merely a professional actor and musician. I also have a minister's license, so that I could legally preform weddings in any state in America, for example, though I'd have to meet each State's particular legal requirements, such as registering with the county clerk, or ascertaining that both bride and groom have passed a blood test, and so on. Which brings up the interesting point of how laws, rules, regulations, protocols, customs, lore, legends, and what have you vary from place to place and time to time. For my part, the moral aspect is important. The very few times a couple has asked me whether I'm really a minister, I've been able to answer, "Yes. I'm both an ordained minister and a born-again Christian," because both those facts are true. From my viewpoint, it seems that you Americans are hiding your moral bankruptcy behind a smokescreen of provincial legalisms.

That's where Player/Characters like Hypatia Theon come in very handy. Don't know how much you know about her, Frey, but let's just say that she's good at clarifying issues. Taking a close look at this one, it's hard to see what you're offering us to restrain LongZhenZhu/Pearl Dragon from spreading her legs and AmiaWorld's dirty laundry all over the internet via blogs. As a disinformation specialist herself, Pearl has noticed quite a bit of obfuscating bs from your side of the Pacific Ocean. Now that the owner of Amia World has had her panties pulled down to reveal that the minimum woman underneath is a cowardly, vindictive bitch of a spoiled queen who's unfit to lead a pie-baking contest, it would seem in our best interest to either let The Perils of Pearl become our essay into the blog sphere and internet lampoonery, or take up the offer of the Internet Inquirer. to produce a feature double-truck exposè.

Never-the-less, the guy behind Hypatia, also a philosopher, at least of the arm chair variety, is proud of his samurai wife, who's seeping downstairs at the moment, it being well after midnight now, and proud of his bi-cultural son, who's sleeping upstairs in the special garret under the roof we've built for his private retreat. Certainly it would seem unwise to give you our home phone number, as like as not you'd do something totally nasty with it such as have everybody in your company spam us with nuisance calls all day long, or some such. What I'm thinking is perhaps one of our keitai denwa (Japanese cell phones) but I've got another full day of work coming up and will need mine for business. My wife loves chatting on the phone, so, if you want to call her, let me know, and I'll ask her if that's o.k. before I leave for work in a few hours, provided you have something on offer besides merely trying to gather information to use against us.

You know, one fool in Amia World, probably it was Ravena, said he was sure I didn't have a ninja for a wife. Of course, not. She's a modern day samurai housewife. What if a girl in your town said her father was a sheriff and that her cowboy grandfather had raised her with cowgirl skills like shooting a rifle, skinning a deer, and that she even had her own horse. People in Japan might find that wildly improbable, yet there could be several such ladies not so far from you there in Plano, Texas. LOL. Well, here in Japan it's the same with samurai. Ask my wife about her original artwork, or the anime screenplay treatments she's sold to Japanese television, or how she feels about guys who take out their frustrations on our innocent son, or what her reaction was upon seeing that both Team America, with BLATANTLY PORNOGRAPHIC content, and cybering by tells, with all the attendant dangers she knows from personal experienes, were condoned by the management of AmiaWorld, or even whether she has any sense of humor.

Gotta get to bed, but a word from the wise, "If you want to negotiate, bring something to the table that will make our son happy and provide all of us guarantees." It CAN be done, with wisdom.

Have a great day ;-) Hypatia Theon

Subject: The clock is ticking and lot's of us on the Bcc: list have been wondering... Date: 5/22/2005 7:47 AM

Dear people that be in a position to decide whether to negotiate or blog it out all over the internet,

Just in case, thought to remind you of the time.

Because now's a good time for people in America to get together on this, and over there in Japan it must be nearly time for whoever to go to work, nicht wahr?

Of course, a lot of us on the Bcc: list are behind a reasonable attempt to negotiate a truce, but as things stand now at AmiaWorld.net how are we supposed to . . .

Just saying is all.

Did you know about this bit of intro to Deputy Dog? Never was e-mailed before just posted on the forum, but, of course, those in the know knew enough to ban the first Deputy Dog profile before he could even post word one, so I'm sure that... - Oh, by the way, isn't Texas law like the rest of the U.S. where public officials can be legitimately lampooned, within the limits of good taste naturally, and we could always ask the Chief of Police, no I mean the REAL ONE, whether or not libel laws have been broken or other crimes committed using his name or Lois Lane's. He may have been hand picked by "The One," or Ao in Amia and The Lord in Texas, because as it says here:

Gregory W. Rushin is the Chief of the Plano, Texas, Police Department. The Plano Police Department is an accredited agency with 336 sworn officers, 148 full time non-sworn employees, and 80 non-sworn part time employees. Chief Rushin has a diverse law enforcement background, with over 24 years of police experience.

Chief Rushin began his career as a Deputy Sheriff in Illinois. He is also a former FBI Agent, who served in the Washington, D.C. area during his tenure. Chief Rushin has a Bachelors Degree in Law Enforcement Administration from Western Illinois University and a Master of Science degree in Human Relations and Business from Amber University.

Chief Rushin holds a Certificate in Public Management from the University of Texas at Dallas. He is a graduate of the FBI Academy, the FBI National Academy, the Southwestern Legal Foundation痴 School of Supervision, the Senior Management Institute for Police, and the FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Program.

Chief Rushin is active in his community. He serves on several Boards of Directors, is a member of Rotary, and coaches youth sports. He is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (Legislative Committee), the Texas Police Chiefs Association (Legislative Committee), and is the new President of the North Texas Police Chiefs Association.

Our Mission
The Plano Police Department is a value driven organization which serves the community by :
Protecting Life and Property
Preventing Crime
Enforcing Laws
Maintaining Order for all Citizens

As the Police Department Serves our community, we emphasize:
Voluntary Compliance
Education of Citizens
Partnership with the Community
Visual Presence in the Community
Detection and Apprehension of Offenders

We Achieve that Mission by:
Customer Orientation
Planning and Problem Solving
Fairness and Equity
Personal Responsibility

Making him the right man for the hour, ne?

LOVE, Y'all know who... or do you?


Subject: Re: Words to the wise... or are they hopeless fools? Only time will tell. Date: 5/22/2005 7:16 PM

O.K. then Getting ready to BLOG!

*over in the corner Hypatia Theon sits shaking her head and muttering* What else did you expect? Just consider:

1) You haven't offered any other options.

2) There's no way to confirm that you aren't precisely what you claim not to be, and our worst fears say you are.

3) Throwing our whole dispute into Blog Space ... who knows where this will lead?

*Hypatia looks up to the subject "Re: Words to the wise... or are they hopeless fools? Only time will tell."* Ah, yes. Truer words may have been spoken, but . . .

*Hypatia looks over to the muse corner where Ai Henjin is in conference with (Ah. with who?)* If the bannings hadn't happened, eventually there was gonna be an in depth interview investigating the thornier issues of our Amian reality and our so-called "real" existences in this OOC world, which is at a deeper level a sub set of the OOP world, which is in turn subsumed in certain logical conundrums touched on in Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem ...(those are just superficial summarized explanations, hard-core nerds look here!) ... (personally I cut my teeth on this English translation) ...(But you do have to bear in mind) ...now with the aforementioned caveats firmly in place ...

HT (Hypatia Theon): Ai, honey, could you answer just one or two questions before turning LongZhenZhu/Dragon Pearl loose?

AH (Ai Henjin): Why sure, Hypatia, but Ai doesn't exactly control those players and characters even such as yourself each has a separate reality within the one as who should know better than you?

HT: Ah, point taken, but could you provide a simple image for non-philosophers to grab ahold of?

AH: How about this? Imagine a sphere of say a few light years diameter centered on Earth, wherein some OOC people believe Amia is fully contained, were raised oh a few million degrees Kelvin, to pick an arbitrary way of measuring a very small event in the overall scheme of things, ne?

HT: *Visibly shaken* That would be the end of Amia and all other artifacts of human civilization, not to mention every other extension of Gaia's dna-based thoughts, I suppose?

AH: Come on now, Hypatia, how can you of all re-incarnated myths show such little faith in "The One"? Surely these mere mathematical formulations our best Earthly cosmologists have been able to approach "the laws of physics or hypothetical extensions into inflation theory" with don't constitute shackles binding truth to the walls of these dismal dungeons, do they now? You don't really think the universe would forget how to do it, or the like, again, do you?

HT and AH: *Intoning together in harmony like unto that of the spheres* The One, Ao, The Holy Ghost, it's turtles all the way down. *Smiles*

OOP \\ So, being too cowardly to make a phone call and discover how wrong you already knew you were was merely a predictable continuation of the extreme pig-headedness you've been displaying consistently all along. Bravo! You girlie-guys are totally staying in the character of the idiots you were born into! And what... are you thinking about while we're all waiting to see Pearl Dragon get laid by DM in drag, More LUST, upstairs in that locked room at the Nomad tavern in Cordor?

Drum, doom, dump, dumb! *The band plays on with melodramatic cacophony*

LOVE, (Yeah, love every second of it!) Pearl Long

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Preview of our coming attraction

(After a hard course of adventures together, slaughtering plague victims in the sewers and kobolds in caves, Morder Lust, probably a Dungeon Master in drag, or at any rate a very experienced player, is playing hard to get as Pearl makes heroinic efforts to seduce him. They are drinking mead together at the Nomad, Cordor's premier tavern for adventurers and adventuresses, and Pearl has just explained to Mor the lore behind mead being an aphrodisiac as the origin of the term, Honeymoon.)

Pearl Dragon: But what kind of nonsense is this I'm spouting? Mead must have gone right to my poor little head.. ** Laugh **
Morder Lust: he he
Pearl Dragon: I'm almost defenseless after a strong drink like that.. *Swoons into his arms* OHHhhh!!!!!!
Morder Lust: what?
Pearl Dragon: *What indeed.. swooning not being in the emote set LOL* That's nice.
Morder Lust: hmm?
Pearl Dragon: Thanks for catching me, Mor. I'd have fallen without your strong arms to save me.
Morder Lust: *grins*
Pearl Dragon: Hold me tight now. *Squeezes him* Oh, that feels nice... Get's so lonely out there in the field.
Morder Lust: well
Pearl Dragon: *Realizes he's the shy type of guy* Don't mean to embarrass you, Mor.
Morder Lust: ha ha
Pearl Dragon: Good.
Morder Lust: well
Pearl Dragon: Your spirits are back. It's so lonely out there in the hills and dales..
Morder Lust: i wonder why you are wearin that hood
Pearl Dragon: Oh this?
Morder Lust: yes
Pearl Dragon: It's because I'm a rogue.. I guess.
Morder Lust: well
Pearl Dragon: Uniform of our guild.. If we're caught without it..
Morder Lust: hmm?
Pearl Dragon: Well, I hate to tell you what they do to us, but it involves ropes and strangulation... Not pleasant at all..
Morder Lust: i see
Pearl Dragon: So I just keep the hood on.. And stay out of trouble
Morder Lust: thats smart
Pearl Dragon: Shall we sit down and talk for a while or... What do YOU want to do, Mor?
Morder Lust: well
Pearl Dragon: Well?
Morder Lust: i guess its a good idea to sit down
Pearl Dragon: ok Where?
Morder Lust: hmm cushions
Pearl Dragon: *Thinks, "Very safe seating arrangements."*
Morder Lust: hmm
Pearl Dragon: *Thinks, "Poor guy seems scared to death ...*
Morder Lust: i wonder how the others are doin at swamps...
Pearl Dragon: *Supposes .. "Probably still a virgin.. oh darn .. just my luck .. so CUTE, too* The swamps? Nasty place that.. Still, guess you want to get on with your training? Eager to...
Morder Lust: nah
Pearl Dragon: Nah?
Morder Lust: i like it here at nomad
Pearl Dragon: So tell me a story?
Morder Lust: a story? i dont really have much stories...
Pearl Dragon: I'd like to hear something about you? Everyone has a story..
Morder Lust: well...
Pearl Dragon: It just seems uninteresting to you 'cuz you know it so well To me it will be all new, see?
Morder Lust: heh
Pearl Dragon: So?
Morder Lust: hmmm
Pearl Dragon: *Listens carefully*
Morder Lust: well...i and my brothers came to lands of amia some time a go...
Pearl Dragon: Your brothers?
Morder Lust: yes
Pearl Dragon: how many?
Morder Lust: i have two brothers
Pearl Dragon: You're the oldest?
Morder Lust: no
Pearl Dragon: hm mm?
Morder Lust: the other one of my brothers was on the hunt with us his name is Jo Lust and the other brother is named Nathan Lust
Pearl Dragon: What brought you here then? Just the hunting of Jo, Nathan and Morder for more LUST than your hometown had to offer?
Morder Lust: well...yes nothin really happened there where i come from and i just arrived some time a go
Pearl Dragon: Jo, Nathan, and Morder.. The Lust brothers
Morder Lust: so nothing really to tell yep
Pearl Dragon: Then you came here to slate your lusts... *Thinks, "Damn what a one-track mind laughing softly"* So then how about your dream, Mor?
Morder Lust: hmm well
Pearl Dragon: Yes?
Morder Lust: i live in the moment *grins*
Pearl Dragon: What is it that you hope for though? Something that keeps you going in the tough times.. What you look forwards to...
Morder Lust: hmm well i guess i could say that my dream is...
Pearl Dragon: *Listens for his heart* Yes, Mor?
Morder Lust: to become the most power fullest person in the lands of amia...
Pearl Dragon: AH! Yes.. I sensed something of that in you from the very first..
Morder Lust: but it will be ok if i wont become that...time will tell
Pearl Dragon: Soon as I saw I thought *What a HUNK* of power... Surely you're destined for great things, Mor. Anyone can tell that.. or at least I can..
Morder Lust: hmmm
Pearl Dragon: Power is written all over your face.. *Takes a closer look ..but not so close as to frighten him again...* Yes.. There are great things written in your features. If I were a fortune teller instead of a simple rogue..
Morder Lust: heh
Pearl Dragon: I'll bet by looking at those lines on your cheek.. I could read the deaths of giants.. the slaying of dragons.. The breaching of mighty fortresses (and many a maidenhead as well) It's all there for you, Mor. You lucky guy! ** Laugh **
Morder Lust: maybe heh
Pearl Dragon: No, no. I'm quite sure.. Just like it was written in the stars .. not just in Cordor's bars..
Laugh if you must, Mor.. But your destiny awaits.. There's no doubt about it.. Now there's one small favor I'd ask of you..
Morder Lust: yes?
Pearl Dragon: I've had a hard day.. And I need your .... Services as a man..
Morder Lust: hmm?
Pearl Dragon: If you know what I mean..
Morder Lust: erm..
Pearl Dragon: Sorry to be so forwards .. But women do have certain needs.. And I'm, well, all tensed up after all that adventure.. So..
Morder Lust: hmmm
Pearl Dragon: Could you use that big strong body of yours to .. I'll just lie down in a quiet place..
Morder Lust: you know thats done for love not for...hmm...something
Pearl Dragon: Take off these pesky clothes..
Morder Lust: hmmm...
Pearl Dragon: No need to worry your self about love.. I'm just talking about my body's physical needs... So take off all that armor.. It will just be in the way..
Morder Lust: at least we should go upstairs...
Pearl Dragon: Then I'll lie down and.. oh, upstairs, out of everyone's sight.. So silly of me not to think of that.. Good idea..
Morder Lust: lets go then?...
Pearl Dragon: Yes Lead on..
Pearl Dragon: Do you have your own room here?
Morder Lust: nah
Pearl Dragon: So do we have to ask at the bar or... Just take one?
Morder Lust: hmm can you open locks?
Pearl Dragon: But naturally. I am a roguette, right?
Morder Lust: yes
Pearl Dragon: So lead on, Mor. I'll open any door.
Morder Lust: actually they are open already just need to lock them
Pearl Dragon: You are a dear to take care of my need like this.
Pearl Dragon: Especially in an out of the way spot 'cuz I can get noisy.. In certain circumstances...
Morder Lust: hmm

(Whatever do you suppose is going to happen in that upstairs chamber behind locked doors, dear reader?
However is Pearl Dragon going to keep a PG chat log as advertised while taking care of business in that room with Mor LUST?)

